Meet the world’s largest bouncy castle! This 893ft-long giant inflatable structure is known as “The Beast”, and it is built to make all your childhood fantasies come true!

The structure is made up of 32 inflatables areas across the length of the structure, which constitutes an area more than two football pitches.

The whole playground is made in the form of an obstacle race, where anyone brave enough to take up the challenge has to overcome inflatable walls, rings and enormous bouncy balls to get to the finish line.

Benedikt De Vreese, who is the proud owner of V-Formation, which is the company behind the playground said: ‘People are dead tired when they slide the last piece of the track, but after that, they can’t stop talking about how cool it was.’

He added, ‘It’s about starting with 100 percent energy and making sure you finish with zero percent without reaching that point in the middle of The Beast.’

The course is situated in nature park Belgium, and already people are competing for a record time on the track while dressed as Spider-Man or carrying giant inflatable ducks.

The bouncy castle of happiness and dream will be heading towards Hyde Park in London in 2017.

London will mark the official start of the challenge to become the fastest person to complete the course.

The creators of The Beast are thinking about adding another 196ft to the already gigantic playground in a bid to make this an entire kilometre of inflatable track.

Benedikt added: ‘Are the people of the UK ready for this one?’

What are your thoughts on this awesome inflatable course? Comment below!
I want to purchase the inflatable ballon. Kindly advice