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This Is The World’s Best-Selling Air Taxi – And It Has A New Prototype

World's Best-selling Air Taxi: Florida Company Unveils New Prototype

At the UK’s 45th Farnborough Airshow, Eve unveiled its first full-sized prototype eVTOL (electric Vertical Take-off and Landing) air taxi, dubbed the Eve Air Mobility.

The company secured an impressive financial foundation with an additional US $94 million in funding from multiple investors, bringing the total raised to $492 million. This funding ensures the successful development and manufacturing of Eve Air Mobility through at least 2027.

Eve stands out in the eVTOL market with 2,900 letters of intent from 30 customers across 13 countries, positioning it as the leader in pre-orders. The Eve Air Mobility eVTOL features a ‘lift & cruise’ design, using 8 dedicated propellers for vertical flight and an additional prop at the rear for forward cruise flight. Unlike other models, such as the Joby S4 with its tilt-rotor design, Eve’s design focuses on fixed propellers and wings to reduce manufacturing and operating costs, decrease noise during cruise flight, and simplify the overall structure.

Eve’s prototype, while not passenger-ready, contains all necessary electronic components for flight and will be remotely piloted during its testing phases starting this year. When ready for manned flights, Diehl Aviation will design and produce the interior for four passengers plus one pilot. Although specific figures for flight times, distances, or speeds are not yet available, Eve targets a range of 60 miles (100 km) between charges, making it ideal for short, cross-town flights.

Embraer, Eve’s parent company, has a 55-year history in aircraft manufacturing and is the world’s third-largest civil aircraft manufacturer, trailing only Boeing and Airbus. This heritage gives Eve an advantage in navigating the testing, certification, and manufacturing processes. Eve applied for certification in 2022 and aims to have its eVTOL certified by Brazil’s civil aviation regulator by 2026.

Last year, Eve announced plans for an annual production capacity of 480 aircraft, spread across four production facilities in Taubaté, São Paulo, Brazil. Each facility is capable of producing 120 units. However, with a backlog of 2,900 flying taxis, it may be some time before new customers receive their air taxis.

Sources: Eve Air MobilityEmbraer

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