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This Is The New Largest 3D-Printed Structure In The U.S

The incorporation of technology and innovation side by side in the sector of construction and architecture has produced marvels for the industry. there are unprecedented concepts and designs being applied all over the world, making buildings more sustainable, durable, and efficient. Also, this saves costs in the long run that are often used in maintenance and repairs.

A new form of construction is brought forward by a construction 3D printing company called ICON. Its latest project is a 3,800-square-foot training barracks made in collaboration with the Texas Military Department (TMD). The building is created to accommodate 72 soldiers or airmen at TMD’s Camp Swift Training Center in Bastrop, Texas. They will be arriving soon for the fall.

The building is a product of ICON’s Vulcan construction technology along with the designing done by Logan Architecture, with structural engineering by Fort Structures. By virtue of this project, they were able to bring together ICON, TMD, and AFWERX for the first time. It all came through because of the SBIR Strategic Fund Increase contract through AFVentures.

The construction was completed with the help of a next-generation Vulcan 3D printer. Col. Zebadiah Miller, Director of Facilities at the Texas Military Department stated that this building will prove to be a safe and comfortable space for the soldiers of the country. In addition to this, the building will be more durable than the conventional ones.

This suggests that such technology can be implemented in making housing options for their soldiers anywhere in the country or even in the world. considerations are being made for creating such structures in forward-deployed areas.

According to Evan Loomis, co-founder of ICON. “ICON continues our missional work to deliver dignified, resilient shelter for social housing, disaster-relief housing, market-rate homes, and now, homes for those serving our country. We are scaling this technology across Texas, the U.S., and eventually the world. This is the beginning of a true paradigm shift in homebuilding.”

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