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This Half Mile High Solar Wind Energy Tower Can Generate Energy Equivalent to A Large Dam

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We are living in an era of advancement where energy crisis is becoming more evident with every day that passes. Although many are pinning their hopes on solar and wind energy, one company based in Maryland (The Solar Wind Energy, Inc.) believes that the movement of water and air can be used to tackle the energy crisis and has managed to get permission to build a downdraft tower.Solar Wind Energy Tower

The tower is being called the Solar Wind Energy Tower and will stand at a height of 0.8 kilometers and as per the claims shall be able crank out as much power as the Hoover Dam does. The tower works by spraying water in from the top which makes the air heavy and makes it fall downward. This results in 120 turbines to rotate at the bottom and generate energy. At maximum operation on a sunny day, the tower can generate about 1,250 megawatt-hours, as per claims of company. This amount is equivalent to the energy that will be gained by wind turbines which are spread over about 100,000 acres.

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The best thing about this project, as per company, is the fact that it can run without depending on weather. The technology employed isn’t something new but the company claims to have made it more feasible. However, the cost of construction was something that was hindering the execution but now, the company has permission to construct and fund the project in San Luis, Arizona. If successful; company has plans of exporting this technology to other countries as well.

The cost of the project is $1.5 billion and some basic funding has been provided by National Standard Finance, which will allow for the construction of this project to be feasible. According to the company; ‘Each Tower will be constructed on location using conventional materials, equipment and techniques, associated industries, as well as local workers in the surrounding town or city. Each location will benefit significantly from the creation of professional manufacturing, construction and transportation jobs, in addition to having a high efficiency energy resource close by – providing clean renewable energy at a cost more favorable than nuclear plants with no negative impacts to the environment.’
Check out the youtube video below for more details:

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