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This Fully-Automatic Robot Dentist Has Performed The World’s First Human Procedure

In a significant development for the dental field, Perceptive, a Boston-based company, has unveiled an AI-driven autonomous robot that has successfully completed a full dental procedure on a human patient for the first time. This robot, designed to revolutionize dental care, executed the procedure at a speed roughly eight times faster than a human dentist.

The utilization of a hand-held 3D volumetric scanner equipped with optical coherence tomography (OCT) by this robot is truly remarkable. It enables the creation of a highly detailed 3D model of the mouth, capturing not just the teeth and gums but also the underlying nerve structure.

In contrast to conventional X-ray techniques, which pose risks due to radiation exposure, OCT uses light beams to produce exceptionally detailed images. This method not only ensures safety but also provides impressive accuracy, with the system exhibiting a remarkable 90% precision in detecting cavities.

The process begins with a consultation between the patient and a human dentist to determine the necessary procedure. Once the treatment plan is finalized, the robot takes over. It autonomously plans and performs the procedure. The robot’s debut specialty is preparing a tooth for a dental crown. Typically, this procedure takes about two hours and often requires two separate visits. The robot can complete it in approximately 15 minutes. This efficiency is demonstrated in a time-lapse video of the robot’s drilling process, which resembles the operation of a CNC machine.

Perceptive claims that the robot can operate safely even under the most dynamic conditions, and dry-run testing on moving patients has been successful. Dr. Chris Ciriello, CEO and Founder of Perceptive, expressed his excitement about achieving the world’s first fully automated robotic dental procedure.

He emphasized that this technological breakthrough enhances precision, efficiency, and accessibility in dental care, promising an improved patient experience and clinical outcomes. Karim Zaklama, DDS, a general dentist and advisory board member at Perceptive, added that the robot’s advanced imaging capabilities will enable earlier and more accurate diagnoses, streamline procedures, and improve patient comfort.

“We’re excited to successfully complete the world’s first fully automated robotic dental procedure,” says Dr. Chris Ciriello– clearly a man well versed in the art of speaking in the driest, crustiest press release vernacular. “This medical breakthrough enhances precision and efficiency of dental procedures, and democratizes access to better dental care, for improved patient experience and clinical outcomes. We look forward to advancing our system and pioneering scalable, fully automated dental healthcare solutions for patients.”

“Perceptive’s AI-driven robotic system will transform dentistry,” adds one Karim Zaklama. “The patient experience will be better because of streamlining procedures and enhancing patient comfort. The advanced imaging capabilities, particularly the intraoral scanner, provide unparalleled details which will enable us to diagnose issues earlier with greater accuracy and allow us to connect with patients more effectively. This efficiency allows us to focus more on personalized patient care and reduces chair time, enabling us to treat more patients effectively.”

Despite these advancements, the robot is not yet FDA-approved, and its public availability may be several years away. However, Perceptive is already looking to expand the robot’s capabilities and range of treatments. While the idea of a robot performing dental procedures might be unsettling to some, the potential benefits—including reduced procedure times, increased precision, and possibly lower costs—make this innovation a noteworthy step forward in dental care. As robotic and AI technologies continue to evolve, such systems may become increasingly common, further transforming the field of dentistry.

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