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This Clever And Humane Mousetrap Uses A Soda Bottle To Capture The Rodents

Clever No Kill Mousetrap Uses A Soda Bottle To Capture The Rodents_Image 1

If someone asks you a question about capturing a mouse, the soda bottle will be the farthest from your thoughts! However, an ingenious YouTuber used exactly that to come up with a smart, humane mousetrap.


Clever No Kill Mousetrap Uses A Soda Bottle To Capture The Rodents_Image 2
Image Source: Makezine


All you need is a soda bottle (2litres), some wire and two wooden blocks. The necessary elements for the construction of this humane mouse trap are the two wire brackets that form an axle to keep the bottle balanced in the middle.


Clever No Kill Mousetrap Uses A Soda Bottle To Capture The Rodents_Image 3
Image Source: Makezine


Once you have determined the center of gravity of the bottle (hint: the bottle would balance and rotate at this point without falling off), secure the axle in its place with the help of a wooden screw and washers. Once you have installed the wire bracket, it can also be fine-tuned to get the balance just right.


Clever No Kill Mousetrap Uses A Soda Bottle To Capture The Rodents_Image 4
Image Source: Makezine


Once the axle has been mounted, the wooden block at the mouth of the bottle is put on such that it allows entry to the mouse but does not let it leave when the mouse tries to escape the mousetrap.


Image Source: Makezine


The bottle is kept in its position by using a paper clamp. The trapped mice can be set free by removing the paper clamp and removing the bottle from the contraption.

See the human mousetrap in action in this video:


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