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This Candidate Has An Amazing Idea For Lowering Rising Sea Levels – Take Out All The Boats

Candidate Proposes Reducing Sea Levels by Taking "All the Boats Out of the Water"

Scott Pio, a Republican candidate for Virginia’s state legislature, came up with a bizarre idea. The candidate is famous because he wants to ban abortions and eradicate gun control regulations. The idea is bizarre, or maybe we don’t have the acumen to comprehend such genius. Let’s see what did he say,

“I’m curious,” Pio wrote in a since-deleted tweet that Raw Story graciously archived, “Do you think the sea level would lower if we just took all the boats out of the water? Just a thought, not a statement.”

In a nutshell, he asked that, what if, Pio speculated on Twitter, we got rid of all the boats?

Jokes apart, Pio might not be suggesting that how should we go about tackling the climate crisis, but this year’s trade-halting saga in the Suez Canal taught the world, it’s that we no longer have any use for boats and that we might as well get rid of them altogether. Right?

The idea may not be as absurd as we think it to be; XKCD comic creator Randall Munroe recently tried to figure out how much of a difference it would make on global sea levels if we took every boat out of the water. The oceans are enormous bodies of water; gigantic in size are still nothing in comparison to the scale of planets.

To our surprise, a whopping six microns!! Which is just about the thickness of a single strand of spider silk. Enough for our salvation, this is according to Munroe’s calculations.

But salvation will last for merely 16 hours. Moreover, the current rising rate in the sea will nullify the progress achieved by taking all ships out. Futile, to say the least, but let’s say that we as a species are interested in saving our homeland, then let’s invest in renewable energy.

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