It is estimated by The National Kidney Foundation that over 100,000 patients are on the waiting list for kidney donors. A further 3,000 names are added to the list every year. An average patient has to wait for 3.6 years for a viable transplant. The patients are treated with dialysis while they are waiting for a transplant and only one in three patients survive for more than five years without a transplant. All that could change as scientists have developed the world’s first artificial kidney.
This bio-hybrid uses living kidney cells along with a series of specialized microchips powered by the human heart to filter waste from the blood-stream. The artificial kidney can bypass the complication of matching donors and tissue rejection. To address this unmet need, William Fissell from Vanderbilt and Shuvo Roy from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) launched The Kidney Project.

“We can leverage Mother Nature’s 60 million years of research and development and use kidney cells that fortunately for us grow well in the lab dish, and grow them into a bioreactor of living cells,” explained Fissell in a recent article published by Research News Vanderbilt. Fissel claims that it can reliably distinguish between waste chemicals and the nutrients that need to be reabsorbed by the body.

The artificial kidney can be inserted into the body by a common surgery and has been proved to work efficiently. This kidney has several microchips which are controlled by the heart and removes the toxins from the blood the same way a normal kidney does.
The artificial kidney has 15 microchips built one atop the other and they act as filters. They will hold living renal cells which will eventually grow around the microchips and mimic a real kidney. Engineers are currently working and testing every single detail of the device to make sure the device can safely let the blood run through without the formation of clots or damaging the kidney in any way.

This solution has been working so far and the rejection rate has been zero. The human trials are yet to commence but the research shows promising results and everybody is hoping it might eliminate the need for dialysis.
You can see it in the video below:
Here is an update on the Kidney project:
I am from Pakistan Please i want this kidney for my uncle he is on dialysis for 10 years kindy tell me how much it will cost and what are requirements and when it will be available we need this urgently kindy reply me as soon as possible 🙂
Please let me know when this becomes available !!
Please please send me the details of the artificial kidney!!!!! I’d gladly enter the trial
Just wondering if this is real n if this can work for us that are dealing with CKD . Pleas let me know thru my E mail thank you so much .
My name Lloyd Alan Pennington and 46 live in the USA and recently was diagnosed with diabetes I was told that if I didn’t get my diabetes out of control in 6 months I would be on dialysis when human testing begins I’d be more than willing to test this product
I have completed all tests for a kidney transplant at Vanderbilt within the last year Had my kidneys removed March 2019. I would love to try the artificial kidney. I also completed all testing at UAB Birmingham and Emroy Atlanta.
My husband is on diallysis and his blood clots really often. Will this device sort out the clotting or won’t he be able for this device?
Answer me please?
Antonio Banda
I have been on Dialysis for over 5 1/2 years. I’m very interested in this New Chip.
Thank You !!!
My husband has been on dialysis for 18 years. Would like to know more information about this please contact us immediately.
I have been on dialysis for seven years, three time per week four 4 hours .I am a 68 year old male other wise in good healt I am interested in your kidney program.
Thank You
I’m very interested in this new discovery, since I am in Stage 3 Kidney Disease.
My kidneys gfr is 10 and I would love to try this out.
I’m ckd patient not in dialysis yet waiting for transplant pls let me know how much and where it’s available I’m very interested
My dad’s kidneys failed and he is on dialysis. Please let me know when the artificial kidney will be available for the transplant. In addition to this what will be the cost and which countries it will be avaible
available for transplant.
My friend’s kidneys failed and he is on dialysis. Please let me know when the artificial kidney will be available for the transplant
Dear have a nice day. We have one relative suffering from kidney problem. He is living in kotri sindh Pakistan. Kindly tell me what will be the cost and treatment charges and where device will be available in pakistan I want to know city and district. Plz send complete info. Thanks
Masha Allah
I m really inspired the great job done Alhmdo lillah I m not a patient of kidney, but lots of people near me are suffering from the disease and undergoing dialyses I pray to Allah this remarkable product will be very soon available in every country in very affordable price specially in Pakistan. Thanks a lot to those scientist s by working hard they achieved their goal keep up the good work
My elder brother mohammad ali in pakistan is suffering end renal stage might benefit from this is ready for commercial sale or can he ofger himself for research by comining to USA
I have been a dialysis patient for 8 yrs. I am still young and have lots of living to do. Please keep me in mind for this amazing procedure.
Please send any and all info. This could save a lot of lives including mine.
Please send me info husband is stage 5 kidney failure.. need info
I will be very interested to know more about this device.the cost and where is it available?
Wonderfull news.
Want this wonderful invention for my 8 years old daughter in Islamabad Pakistan
I would gladly volunteer for human trails once started, stage 4 currently.
Gail as end stage kidney failure and this is fantastic news
My mother has been a CKD patient for most part of the decade. I would really be interested in such a development. Any information on the device and it’s cost would be very appreciated.
will av the money.
Sounds hopeful but not everyone will av the money.
I would be happy to volunteer for the first human trials of this kidney
Dear..Have a nice day.
We have one relative, suffering from kidney problem. He is in Pakistan.
Can you please tell me what it will cost and where this treatment is available currently.
Kindly send me total cost and ddtails,pls.
How much? Where can you get one or be part of the trials?
Great news
Vert intrested to be a patient in trail and in followig the artificial Kidney..
Very intrested willing to do trail. 41 years okd been diabetic since May of 1991, and been doing dialysis for 6 years, very intrested to follow the progress of the and more the willing to be a patient of this trail Thank you.
We have one relative, suffering from kidney problem. He is in Pakistan.
Can you please tell me what it will cost and where this treatment is available currently.