A group of thieves wielding sledgehammers robbed two Apple stores in Australia. The stores are located in Perth and suburban Booragoon. Western Australia Police Force took to Facebook to tell the tale of a group comprised of six men that were dressed in black and made use of sledgehammers for breaking into the Apple stores in the early morning.

The group was able to rob products that are worth $300,000. The thieves hit the Perth Apple Store first and then made their way to the Apple Store in Booragoon. The robberies have made Australian Detective Senior Constable Matt Whelan tell consumers to be mindful when they are purchasing used Apple devices since the stolen products come with built-in security from Apple.

Whelan said, ‘The manufacturer knows what phones have been stolen and security measures will be enabled, meaning these telephones are useless. We want to protect the public, and we ask anyone considering buying second-hand or used mobile phones that are slightly cheaper to consider this because ultimately you could be left with something that’s useless.’

He also made it clear to the consumers who buy Apple products from the black market that they are a culprit. He said that if these consumers were not buying stolen good, the thieves wouldn’t be targeting the Apple stores in the first place. The bold robberies that have taken place in Australia are not the first time that Apple Stores have been a target. A lot of criminals find it hard to resist on account of the plethora of expensive devices that are found in an Apple Store.
As per a media report that was published in 2013, a group of armed individuals broke into a Paris Appel Store on the New Year’s Eve and made off with more than 1.32 million dollars of Apple products. It was further reported that these armed individuals were not in any kind of rush and took a good forty minutes during which they loaded the goods into the getaway car.