This Absurd Video Shows The Opposite Of What You Think Is Going To Happen

unexpected outcome

How did we manage to miss this masterpiece for so long! We all know by now that reality is completely different from our perception of it, and some even argue that reality is the sole construct of our perception and nothing more. This is what this artist named Daihei Shibata has played with in his incredible videos, and to astonishing effect.

Shibata has masterfully created a series of interstitial shots for a Japanese TV show, Design Ah, which are meant to induce the sense of anticipation and then totally surprise you with something crazy and unexpected yet undeniably satisfying.

Plot twist redefined!

The series began in 2013, and there are currently three videos in Shibata’s It’s Different From What You Expected series for us to relish. The videos are a magnum opus of trick photography and a copious quantity of visual effects and CG.

A great watch indeed!

Didn’t see that coming, did ya?

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