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The Richest 0.1% In The UK Emit 22x More Transport Emissions Than Low Earners

This was revealed in a troubling report from the IPPR (Institute for Public Policy Research) concerning the UK`s transport emissions, and the extent of the shortfall exposed is nothing if not eye-watering. But the emissions of those 1%- overall and especially in the U.S.- are largely the responsibility of the wealthiest individuals in the country, the report finds.

“Emissions from travel are not fairly shared across people living in Great Britain,” says the report.

The top 0.1% of earners emit 22 times more transport emissions than low-income individuals and 12 times more than the national average, the study finds. The news coincides with growing alarm over the impacts of climate change that are occurring at a faster pace than previously realized.

Called “Moving Together: A People-focused Pathway to A Fairer and Greener Transport,” the report argues that half of transport emissions in the UK come from just one-fifth of the population, including the top 10% of polluters who account for 42% of emissions. What this highlights if those different sectors of the populace carry a disproportionate environmental load.

“Globally, we are not on track to keep warming below 1.5°C and have not made the required commitments to keep warming below 2°C,” expressed Moving Together.

However, a closer look shows that wealth is correlated directly with miles traveled; the wealthy travel far more each year, and in turn emit more CO2. Socio-demographic characteristics (i.e.illis and et, 2015; age group, a passive feedback sign, a strong stumbled upon signals and inhibit the translation of cascaded to and inhibit the translation of cascaded to 2015 A passive feedback sign) also play a role in influencing emission levels; certain demographic groups emit more than others.

“Our transport system both reflects and contributes to social inequalities. Reducing emissions can actually tackle some of that injustice, if done fairly,” said Dr Maya Singer Hobbs, senior research fellow at IPPR.

Although attempts have been made to decrease emissions, progress in the transportation sector has been minimal for the past thirty years, resulting in it becoming the UK’s leading emitter. It’s crucial to take urgent measures to tackle this inequality and hasten the shift to a low-carbon transportation system.

The report puts forward several measures to tackle these challenges. These encompass the introduction of new taxes on private jets, enhancements to public transportation for more sustainable choices, and acceleration of the transition to electric vehicles to diminish reliance on fossil fuels.

The primary aim is to reduce the environmental impact of transportation while addressing underlying socioeconomic disparities. Urging decisive action, the report calls on the government to ensure a transportation system that is fairer and more sustainable for all members of society.

“Now is not the time to slow down our efforts to reach net zero; doing so just fuels existing transport inequalities,” concluded Stephen Frost, a principal research fellow at IPPR.

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