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The Recipient Of The World’s 1st Gene-Edited Pig Kidney Transplant Has Died 2 Months Later

Richard “Rick” Slayman, the first person in history to get a genetically altered pig kidney, passed away two months following the innovative procedure. The public is reassured by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), the site of the transplant, that no evidence connects the surgery to his demise.

Fighting end-stage kidney illness, Slayman had the unprecedented procedure in March. Slayman’s condition tragically changed, despite the surgeons’ projection that the pig kidney would function for at least two years. Even with its tragic conclusion, this case is nevertheless regarded as a landmark instance in the field of xenotransplantation—the use of animal organs in human patients.

MGH expressed their condolences and highlighted Slayman’s unwavering spirit. “We are deeply grateful for his trust and willingness to advance this field,” their statement read. Slayman’s medical history included Type 2 diabetes and hypertension, requiring a human kidney transplant in 2018. Unfortunately, that kidney failed after five years, leading him back to dialysis.

Dialysis complications further impacted Slayman’s quality of life. His motivation for the pig kidney transplant, as he expressed, was to inspire others awaiting life-saving transplants.

Slayman’s family, in a statement, emphasized the inspiration he provided: “Millions worldwide have come to know Rick’s story…We felt comforted by the optimism he provided patients desperately waiting for a transplant.”

This case comes amidst another groundbreaking procedure: a New Jersey woman received a genetically modified pig kidney alongside a mechanical heart pump in April due to her critical condition.

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