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The Godfather Of AI Says He Is Afraid AI Will Manipulate Humans

Known for being called the father of artificial intelligence (AI), Geoffrey Hinton recently expressed concerns about the threats that AI might bring to humans. In an interview with “60 Minutes,” Hinton expressed his worries, pointing out that as tech giants compete to create chatbots and AI helpers, technology may advance to the point where it outsmarts humans and may be used to manipulate people. Hinton said that we may be approaching a period when machines may be able to think more intelligently than humans for the first time, underscoring the importance of keeping an eye on AI’s development. In particular, he emphasized how frightening it is that artificial intelligence (AI) could be used to control people because of its enormous learning ability, which can be applied to everything from political tactics to historical fiction.

The pioneer in AI expressed that the missing element in AI’s current state is self-awareness, which could enable it to harness its intelligence for manipulating humans. He acknowledged the possibility of AI becoming a significant threat within the next five to twenty years, emphasizing that it could master the art of persuasion and psychological manipulation based on extensive learning.

Aside from the worry of manipulation, there are additional concerns regarding AI’s impact on society, such as job displacement, the generation of fake news, and the undetected propagation of unintended biases. Hinton drew parallels between the functioning of AI and the neural network of the human brain, highlighting AI’s remarkable learning capabilities.

Hinton recently announced his retirement from Google after ten years of employment. Despite this, he acknowledged his contribution to the advancement of AI and insisted that its benefits are significant. He emphasized that the safety of AI’s trajectory is yet unknown and highlighted the challenge of stopping bad actors from utilizing the technology for destructive ends.

In summary, Hinton’s remarks serve as a helpful reminder that we are living in a pivotal moment in history and that we must carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence for society. A future where AI serves humanity’s best interests will depend on striking a balance between innovation and ethical development.

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