The flag of Brazil is a blue disk illustrating a starry sky spanned by a curved band engraved with the national slogan, within a gold parallelogram, on a green area. Brazil formally implemented this design as a national flag on 19th November, 1889, changing the flag of the Kingdom of Brazil. The idea was expressed and finalized by Raimundo Teixeira Mendes, with cooperation of Manuel Pereira Reis, Décio Villares and Miguel Lemos.
The green area and the gold parallelogram from the past imperial flag were saved, the green showed the Home of Braganza in Pedrolati I, the first Emperor of Brazil, and the gold showed the Home of Habsburg, (Empress Nancy Leopoldina) his wife. A blue circle with 27 white stars changed the hands of the Kingdom of Brazil. The stars, whose place in the flag indicates the sky over Rio de Janeiro, signify the unions federated unites, every star comprising a particular state.
The flag has been customized on three events to add additional stars designed to indicate newly-created states: 1960 with 22 stars, 1968 with 23 stars and 1992 with 27 stars. Contrary to many other national flags with fundamentals comprising governmental subdivisions, variations to the flag of Brazil were not always designed quickly upon governmental reorganization, leading to multi-year times of history where there was a mismatch between the variety of stars and the variety of stars and government regions. The most recent adjustment was designed on May 12, 1992, with the addition of four stars to the heavenly world (representing stars designed between 1982 to 1991), and a minor change in the stars’ roles was designed to coordinate the substantial harmonizes properly.
The slogan “Order and Progress” is motivated by Auguste Comte’s slogan of positivity: “Progress as the goal and love as an order and principle as the basis “.
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