The Earth Could Soon Strike Back Against Humanity, Warns Famed Scientist

The famous environmentalist, James Lovelock has always believed that the Earth has a self-regulating mechanism like a living organism.

He gave a Gaia theory is named after the Greek deity of the same name who exhibits the personification of the Earth. This shows that the planet adjusts itself in response to abuse. This abuse is the one that the earth is experiencing at the hands of humans.

Owing to the terrible treatment of the earth, Gaia could soon strike back, the 102-year-old warns in a new commentary piece for The Guardian.

The argument he presents sounds like the plot of “Avatar.” It elaborates on how the actions of humans are causing problems for the mechanisms of the earth. This implies that we need to act fast or face serious consequences.

Scientist and Inventor James Lovelock

The surface temperatures of the earth have been set since forever on the earth “thanks to Gaia: forests, oceans and other elements in the Earth’s regulating system, which kept the surface temperature fairly constant and near-optimal for life.”

“Two genocidal acts — suffocation by greenhouse gases and the clearance of the rainforests — have caused changes on a scale not seen in millions of years,” he writes. “We are entering into a heat age in which the temperature and sea levels will be rising decade by decade until the world becomes unrecognizable.” We need to build more nuclear power stations to overcome that, though the greens will first have to get over their overblown fears of radiation.”

He stated that this pandemic was a warning for the people. “The virus, COVID-19, may well have been one negative feedback,” Lovelock writes. “Gaia will try harder next time with something even nastier.”

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