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Tesla Model 3 Pre-orders Exceed 325000 Units In Just One Week

Tesla preorders amazing

It is fair to say that the much-anticipated shake-up of the auto industry has been started by Tesla that have received more than 325,000 pre-orders of Model 3 in just a week after its unveiling. It effectively had more cars booked than double the number of Model X and Model S ever sold before. Although this figure seems huge, it still pales in comparison to the 13 million annual car sales in the USA alone. But, it is a long-awaited reckoning to shift from gasoline and diesel cars to electric ones that we knew was going to happen but didn’t know when.

These 325,000 cars will result in more than 14 billion Dollar revenue for the company and even though analysts predict that with these specs, Tesla won’t be able to generate much money in profits, but this is a new beginning and an alternative that the planet is so desperately craving. Also technologically wise and in pure awesomeness, even the lower-range Model 3 wipes the floor with its competitors. To top it all, 325,000 orders for a car that the company won’t even start making till late next year! Tesla claims it as the single biggest one-week launch of any product in history and they are quite right!

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Before it was launched, many argued that many of the features like autonomous driving system and extremely fast acceleration couldn’t possibly be incorporated into this low-end car from Tesla. The build-up to the event was full of deafening optimism and as usual Elon Musk didn’t disappoint. The car is a little shorter in range and size, but it has the same wild acceleration, the same fabulous design and ticks the mark of being a true Sedan. Take that, Tesla skeptics.

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Elon Musk himself said that the overwhelming response from the backers meant that he had to carve out a new manufacturing strategy to build so many cars in such a short amount of time. Time to go green is now and you should be a part of it even if you can’t afford it right now.

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