Amazing This New Soft Caterpillar Robot Moves Its Body By Origami Power TaimurMay 11, 20240 A groundbreaking soft-bodied robot, dubbed the Robotopillar, has emerged from a collaboration between engineers at...
Amazing This New Gel Will Allow Metal Objects To Be 3D-Printed At Room Temperature TaimurJuly 9, 20230 A new gel has been developed by scientists at North Carolina State University that allows 3D printing of metal objects...
Robotics New Soft-Bodied Robot LEAP Is Inspired From Cheetah The EngineerMay 16, 20200 The image that pops up in our head when we talk about soft-bodied robots is a robot similar to a caterpillar that...
BioMedical New Cardiac Patch Restores Heart Function In Heart Attack Patients The EngineerApril 14, 20200 Medical researchers are looking into a variety of techniques that would offer heart attack sufferers a higher chance...
Technology New Infused Metal Foam Will Make More Efficient Airplane Wings The EngineerOctober 25, 20190 A team of scientists at North Carolina State University has had success with making use of composite metal foams...
Technology Scientists Can Now Convert Heat Into Electricity Using Magnets The EngineerSeptember 25, 20190 A team comprised of international scientists from Ohio State University, North Carolina State University, and...
BioMedical New Exoskeleton For The Ankle Makes Walking Easier And Less Tiring The EngineerApril 7, 20151 Heavy-duty exoskeletons have been developed to aid those with spinal injuries while a lightweight DARPA funded version...
Gadgets Check Out This Harness That Lets You Communicate With Your Dog The EngineerNovember 3, 20140 For all those who have seen the animated movie ‘Up’, this invention won’t come as a surprise. This gadget allows...