Technology This New Breakthrough By Researchers Has Brought Semiconductors Made Of Wood Another Step Closer To Reality Rameesha SajwarApril 28, 20220 It has been found that cellulose can be made to conduct electricity when heated to relatively high temperatures under...
BioMedical This Microneedle Patch Can Deliver A COVID-19 DNA Vaccine – And It Doesn’t Even Require Refrigeration Jannat Un NisaSeptember 26, 20210 Over 2 billion people worldwide have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Many people in resource-poor nations, on...
BioMedical This New Implant Can Restore The Sense Of Touch In Injured Fingers Rameesha SajwarJuly 22, 20210 Scientists and researchers are striving to achieve excellence in the field of medicine. it helps humans to lead normal...
BioMedical New Wearable Artificial Graphene Throat Allows The Mute To Speak The EngineerAugust 14, 20190 How many of you remember the use of a small and throat-mounted device that was used in Mission Impossible movies...