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Stock Electric Motorcycle Gets Reprimanded For Being ‘Too Fast’ On Track

Electric motorcycles, renowned for their impressive torque and instantaneous power delivery, are rewriting the rules of the racing world. Recently, a New Zealand e-moto enthusiast, known as NewZeroland on YouTube, pushed the boundaries of speed and faced unexpected consequences at a local drag strip with his stock Energica Eva Ribelle RS.

Embarking on a 650 km (400 miles) journey from Wellington to Auckland, he recreated a ride from three years ago, aiming to reach the only Taco Bell in the country. Unlike his previous trip on a 2020 Energica Ego with a 13.4 kWh battery pack, advancements in Energica’s technology equipped his current bike with a 21.5 kWh pack, allowing him to cover more ground before recharging.

Despite the challenging weather conditions at the Auckland race track, where rain had left the tarmac slick, the Energica, ridden by an experienced friend named Steven, clocked an impressive 11.1 seconds in its first run. As they progressively lowered the traction control, the bike hit its fastest run of the day at 10.9 seconds, attracting the attention of track officials. Surprisingly, the rapid acceleration led to a reprimand from the officials for riding “too fast.” Racing regulations mandated a special license for speeds below 11 seconds, prompting the team to contemplate another run. With traction control dialed down to the limit, the subsequent attempts became nail-biting experiences, showcasing the raw power of the electric motorcycle.

Riding my Electric Motorcycle 800 miles to go Drag Racing

While they narrowly avoided being kicked out for their speed, the incident raised important considerations about the need for racing licenses on high-performance tracks. It highlighted the capability of stock electric motorcycles to achieve pro-level race times, even in amateur hands, on wet tracks.

This thrilling escapade not only underlines the exhilarating performance of electric vehicles but also emphasizes the importance of designated spaces like race tracks for such high-speed adventures. Ultimately, the story serves as a testament to the growing popularity of electric motorcycles and the exciting experiences their owners are having on and off the track.

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