Just when we thought that the world would not get any funnier, Swiss authorities found thousands of 500-euro notes being flushed down in the public toilets of Geneva. The cash was perfectly good and dumping it down the toilets caused an additional plumbing damage in thousands of euros. Why would anyone attempt such a feat? This is a question that has left us all bewildered!
The unusual incident went viral around the world after Tribune de Genève reported it. The cash was found in 500-euro bills, each worth $597. The first pile of bills was found cut up with scissors and stuffed into a toilet near a safe deposit box vault at a branch of Swiss bank UBS. However, the weird happenings did not stop there. A while later, an employee at Pizzeria du Molard called the police to report that their toilets had been clogged with cash. Later, three other restaurants reported the similar happenings, all close to the same UBS branch. All of this cash collectively made up about $119,000, all chopped up and flushed down a toilet.
It is well known that destroying currency in the US is illegal but not so in Europe. Additionally, the official currency of Switzerland is Swiss franc but not the euro that has just added fuel to this fire. UBS has not commented on the incident yet but Henri Della Casa, a spokesman for GEneva Prosecutor’s Office, says,
“There must be something behind this story, and that’s why we started an investigation.”