India is a country considered as one of the fastest-growing in the fields of Information Technology, and so is with the nation’s hackers. “Desperate times ask for desperate measures,” the saying quite well relates to an incident that occurred in India.
A software engineer was arrested after repeatedly hacking and deleting his former employer’s database. The software engineer went all the way out and took these desperate steps in an attempt to get rehired. He thought his former employer would call him for the ratification of the caused trouble.
Vikesh Sharma used to work as a Senior Software Engineer until the time he was fired for arguing over his salary. Instead of being guilty over his code of conduct and behavior at the workplace, the guy started manipulating the companies data and deleted loads of patients’ information.

The hack caused his former company a lot of inconveniences. Vikesh’s former employer called the police for investigation after the breach started to go out of hands. The IP address was traced, and Sharma was caught in the act of deleting companies’ information. The desperate software engineer was arrested in Old Maujpur and admitted his crimes.
Vikesh admitted that he hacked into his former employer’s database and deleted 18,000 data entries of patients, billing information of around 300,000 patients and made roughly 22,000 false entries, all in the hopes of being called back to work to rectify the situation. However, he expected to get rehired after committing a significant cybercrime, ended up in jail.