Scientists Achieve First-Ever Communication Between Two People In Their Sleep

For the first time in human history, researchers have achieved successful communication between two individuals within a lucid dream.

Lucid dreaming, a phenomenon in which individuals are aware that they are dreaming, has long fascinated researchers. However, the recent achievement by REMspace goes beyond mere fascination—it is a pioneering step toward unlocking new dimensions of communication. On September 24, two participants in separate locations successfully induced lucid dreams, and, using specially designed technology, they exchanged a simple message between their dream states.

In the experiment, the first participant entered a lucid dream, during which the system transmitted a randomly generated word, coined “Remmyo,” through an earbud. The participant repeated this word within the dream, and the response was recorded by the apparatus. Minutes later, the second participant, also in a lucid dream, received the stored message and confirmed it after waking. This moment marked the first-ever “chat” exchanged in a dream, a remarkable feat reminiscent of the movie Inception.

The success of this experiment is a result of nearly five years of dedicated research and technological innovation. Michael Raduga, founder and CEO of REMspace, expressed the team’s excitement about this historic milestone. “Yesterday, communicating in dreams seemed like science fiction. Tomorrow, it will be so common we won’t be able to imagine our lives without this technology,” he remarked. REMspace envisions that real-time dream communication is the next logical step, and they are optimistic about achieving this goal within a few months.

REM sleep, the phase in which lucid dreaming occurs, holds immense potential for revolutionizing various fields, from solving psychological challenges to enhancing learning capabilities. REMspace aims to position REM sleep as a groundbreaking advancement, following artificial intelligence (AI) in reshaping modern civilization. The company believes that lucid dreaming allows individuals to experience a fully immersive reality, complete with sensory experiences such as sight, sound, touch, and even emotional and physical sensations.

The company is confident that its technology can bridge the gap between dreams and reality, fundamentally changing how humanity perceives and interacts with the world of dreams.

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