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Save Energy and Reduce Your Electric Bills With These Simple Tips

Paying off electricity bill is quite a headache owing to the fact that almost everything is electric in nature and if you are not acting smart, you will be paying heavily for it each month in terms of electricity bill. We have compiled a list for you to follow that will ensure that you preserve energy and subsequently, pay less in form of electric bill.

10. Make Use of Sunlight

10. Make Use of SunlightAlways make use of the natural light when possible. Ideally, you should open the curtains during the day and remove the blinds so that the warmth and light can come in. Close the curtains and blinds before it starts getting dark to keep that energy inside.

9. Doors and Windows

9. Doors and WindowsKeep your doors and windows closed in heated or air conditioned rooms. During summer you should ideally keep them closed during day while opening them after sunset. During winter you should open them during day while closing them in the evening.

8. Appliances

8. AppliancesUnplug the appliances that are not in use; this should be the rule of every house. If you have a spare refrigerator in basement or garage, then it needs to be unplugged. Even your chargers should be unplugged when you are not charging gadgets with them. According to a study, even in standby mode if the appliance is plugged in it will be hogging electricity and adding to your electricity bill.

7. Computers

Everyone has one computer and there is usually more than one at home. Make sure that all these computers have ‘sleep’ and ‘hibernate’ option enabled. What these options do is; sleep will put your system into a power saving mode after a prescribed time period, say 10 mins, and will hibernate it after about 30 mins resulting in power saving and ultimately contributing towards reducing your electricity bill.

6. Bedrooms

In order to avoid resorting to electric appliances; make use of hot water bottles and instead of opting for the electric blanket, try putting an extra blanket on your bed. Switch off lights when you are leaving the room and make sure that the appliances are unplugged. Also dump your traditional bulbs for energy savers.

5. Washing Machine

Make sure that you are washing full loads or if you are not washing full loads, then ensure that the settings correspond to the size of the load. Make sure that the wash cycles are short. Clothes dryer works best when it is handling a full load. Unless required by the clothes, use cold water to wash the clothes.

4. Dishwasher

Women love using the dishwasher and why shouldn’t they? It takes away all the effort and helps them with the daily chores. Using it smartly will result in efficient electricity and energy usage. Make sure that you only use the dishwasher when it is full and opt for the economy cycle. If the dishwasher in question is capable of heating water, then you should opt for that feature.

3. Oven

First off; don’t defrost food in microwave, instead keep it outside of the freezer and let the nature work at it. Make use of microwave oven instead of oven or stove-top if possible. Do not open the oven doors just to peek or check; it reduces the temperature by 15°C every time you open the door.

2. Refrigerators

Make sure that they are full but not overloaded. The freezer should be set at -18°C whereas the fridge should be set between 5°C and 2°C for optimum results and energy consumption. Make sure that you leave some inches between the fridge’s back and the wall. Keep your refrigerator away from sunlight and stove/oven.

1. Water Temperature

Keep the water temperature between 120-130 degrees. You may reduce the temperature more to reduce consumption but then you would be resorting to consuming more electricity when you’ll run out of hot water. So choose an optimum level where you need not add cold water to use the hot water.

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