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Saudi Arabia’s Neom Is Looking To Fill An Extensive List Of Intriguing Job Vacancies

Neom, a projected megacity in Tabuk intended to serve as a global center for innovation, is one of Saudi Arabia’s boldest initiatives. The foundation of the country’s economic diversification strategy, Vision 2030, is this 26,500 square kilometer project.

The Line, a 170 km long carbon-free city encased in mirrored buildings, is the focal point of Neom. Neom is referred to by officials as a “cognitive city,” one that maximizes resident life through the use of robotics and artificial intelligence.

Jobs are now available to help make this vision a reality. While construction and engineering roles are unsurprising, others hint at Neom’s unique character. The “head of student attraction” will entice bright minds to Neom’s educational institutions, while a “personalized health director” leverages genetics for preventative healthcare.

Sustainability is a major focus. The “lead rewilding” position will restore wildlife corridors and reintroduce cheetahs. Another role oversees Neom’s “water mobility station,” managing futuristic autonomous boats. Even fish welfare is addressed with an “aquaculture fish laboratory and biosecurity professional.”

Neom isn’t without controversy. Critics point to ethical concerns around genetic data collection and the displacement of indigenous communities.

Whether Neom becomes a utopian marvel or a dystopian experiment remains to be seen. But one thing’s for sure: the project is seeking those who yearn to build a future unlike any other.

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