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Russia’s New Nuclear Submarine Severodvinsk Is Finally Here

Severodvinsk 2

Severodvinsk 3If we can be sure about one thing regarding Russians, it is the fact that they never give up. No matter how harsh the conditions or how minimal the progress, they will keep at it till they have the result. Today’s post is about another of their military feat; Severodvinsk. This is the first of its class, Yasen, submarine. The submarine is being also termed the post-Soviet era Yasen-class submarine. The submarine was commissioned at the end of December, 2013.

Severodvinsk will take over charge from the old submarines; Akula class and Alfa class. However, it comes with one major change that is the reason why it is being featured here today. The submarine will come with nuclear weapon capabilities, both strategic and tactical. The test runs and firing of the nuclear weapons from the submarine were carried out back in 2012.

Severodvinsk 4The submarine comes with the latest technology and it has been told that the latest supersonic missile is quite accurate when it comes to making contact with the target. The Caliber missile comes with a flight range of 2,500 km and it can be termed as a strategic weapon because of its range and accuracy. There is another missile which this submarine will be hosting and it has an astounding range of 5,000 kilometers.

Severodvinsk 5The Severodvinsk’s development kicked off in the 1970s and has ever since been on a bumpy ride. There were budget cutbacks when the Soviet Union fell. Although it was supposed to enter sea in 1998, the project was delayed and finally was completed in 2010. Three years of patient testing were carried out before finally in 2013, it entered active service. Supposedly, it is floating in Mediterranean as of now.

Although it has been delayed, the results are spectacular and we would have expected nothing less of Russians.

Check out this video on the new nuclear submarine

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