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Russia Proposes A Super Highway That Will Take You From Europe To USA By Road

So, whether they are weapons like tanks and submarines or civil engineering projects like highways, Russians never like them small. By the way, their definition of “small” also blows our out of the water so when they say they are planning a “major highway”, it is really really gonna be huge. According to a report in the Siberian Times, the Russian government was planning on developing a road link that could potential stretch to more than 80 percent of the globe. Here is the proposed plan of the new highway.

Russian Super Highway TEPR2

Russian Super Highway TEPR3

Whoa! Got you didn’t we? As you can see, it starts from London and ends in New York itself. On it’s way it passes through Eastern Europe, Siberia, Eastern, Kamchatka and then a trans-ocean part takes it over to Alaska, USA and from here it goes to New York while passing through Canada. One look at it and you would say that this project cannot be developed as it would be difficult to convince nations and the proposed length of tens of thousands of miles is simply too big to be built. Even though these are logical reservations, on Russia’ part, they won’t be THAT difficult since it has already completed a Trans-Siberian railway line across swaths of their territory. It is labelled as the first inter-state, inter-civilization project that will bring people closer to each other.

Russian Super Highway TEPR

But why would anybody take such a ridiculous road to New York from London when a ferry can take you there faster? How will they maintain this ridiculous length of road at all as it will pass through some of the most inhospitable terrains like Siberia itself? These are only a few of the questions people have in their minds as they scrutinise this project. But this isn’t America, this is Russia! Once the government has decided to build their project, there will hardly be any resistance since they are all terrified of Putin and his Iron-hand style of governance.

The project has been named Trans EuroAsian Belt Development (TEPR) and currently, there were no specifics released along with the breaking news. If built, it will mightily benefit Russian communication with its overlying areas that are very much neglected. 

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