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Reverse Alarm Clock Yawns To Remind You To Sleep On Time

Yawnie is a new alarm clock that wants to make your sleeping pattern more regular. The concept alarm clock is opposite to the conventional one that wakes you up from the sleep. Yawnie nudges you to go to bed when it’s time to sleep.


Image Source: Yawnie


The concept reverse alarm clock was developed by the students of the School of Visual Arts Products of Design. One of the designers, Ziyun Qi said that the inspiration for the alarm clock came from the difficulty faced by the people to get up in the morning:

“Waking up in the morning is the most miserable time for a lot of people. The reason is pretty simple and obvious—because they didn’t get enough sleep.”




On average, the Americans today are getting one hour less sleep than they did in the 20th century. The problem is that the people don’t even realise how the lack of sleep affects their lives.

Qi and Nic Barajas came to the conclusion that the sleep trackers won’t improve the sleeping habits:

“The market is full of products that try to help quantify and track sleep, which try to treat the symptoms of bad sleep but don’t really look at the cause. Figuring out a better way to get someone to sleep in the first place felt like an obvious direction to go, since it’s arguably the most important way to ensure you have quality sleep.”

The designer duo realised that yawns are contagious. Even reading it will make you yawn. Yawnie is the alarm clock that can sit on your desk and yawn to remind you that it’s time to go to bed.


Image Source: Yawnie


The developers were cautious that too much yawning could get annoying. So, if a user does not pay heed to the alarm, Yawnie automatically goes to sleep after yawning a few times.

“It’s very important to us since we were trying to change a behavior. Repetition and persistence are key when we talk about forming a new habit. When the experience of using a product is more enjoyable, it’s more likely that people keep using it and there’s a higher chance that the behavior change will occur.”

You can see more images of Yawnie below:


Image Source: Yawnie
Image Source: Yawnie
Image Source: Yawnie
Image Source: Yawnie
Image Source: Yawnie
Image Source: Yawnie
Image Source: Yawnie
Image Source: Yawnie
Image Source: Yawnie


The reverse alarm clock will also help the parents who have trouble sending off their children to bed.

“It would also be perfect for a different target audience: children. Many parents struggle to send their children to bed and the fun character of Yawnie makes it a perfect aid to parents.”

The device will come with a companion app to keep track of your sleep. It will also adjust bedtime according to your sleep debt.

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