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These Researchers Have Developed Edible, 3D-Printed QR Codes – And They Are Actually Quite Functional

Would you eat a cookie that had a printed QR code embedded in its interior? Well, the idea sounds bizarre at first, but this is what researchers from Osaka University have come up with. They unveiled a method known as “interiqr”, in which a 3D-printed QR code will be embedded into your cookies. Mind you, this printed QR code will not change the appearance, taste, or any other characteristic of your food. The QR code will work in the same way as the food identification tags, which help in tracking and identifying different products through a specific code.

Now, the question arises: what is the purpose and need to implement this technique, because a lot of us will definitely not do well with it at first. The answer lies in the concept of reducing “excess packaging”. As per the researchers, the QR code will neither change the exterior nor the interior appearance of the food because every bit of data and information has been found within the code that is placed on the interior of the food. You would be amazed to know that from the production of the cookie until it finds its way to your stomach, all of the merchants, consumers, and even you yourself as a consumer can find the details of the product. Well, it’s not that bad!

Coupled with this, Kosuke Sato, who is also the senior author of the research study, stated, “Our 3D printing method is a great example of the digital transformation of foods, which we hope will improve food traceability and safety”. He added, “This technology can also be used to provide novel food experiences through augmented reality, which is an exciting new field in the food industry.” Similarly, Yamato Miyatake, who is also the lead author of the study, said, “Many foods can now be produced using 3D printers. We realized that the insides of edible objects such as cookies could be printed to contain patterns of empty spaces so that, when you shine a light from behind the cookie, a QR code becomes visible and can be read using a cell phone.”

To that end, these QR codes will be non-toxic and will not change the quality of the product. Thus, we can’t wait to see what else this technology has in store for us!

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