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Own Saker S-1, The Personal Fighter Jet That Can Reach Mach 0.99


Saker S-1What is the first thing that comes to mind when we talk about rich people? Yeah, private jets; the classic symbol of wealth! Although these planes fall short when it comes to breaking the sound barrier and air to air missiles but we don’t need it either, or do we now? Saker Aircraft while not be going that far but it still has plans to bring you the best next thing that there is.

Saker S-1 5Housed in Los Angeles, Saker is going for an efficient and affordable private jet plane by the name of S-1. Simply put, the S-1 is capable of helping you beat rush hour traffic at almost sonic speed while retaining its military appearance. Despite the fact that the plane is still in design phase, Saker has stated some stats about their S-1; the two seat jet will have a maximum range of 1,600 miles and a service ceiling of 13,720 meters.

Saker S-1 4Saker has also kept in mind that some people might be flying out to longer distances and have left the capacity for the owner to attach two external fuel tanks which would extend the range to 2,200 miles. The key idea behind this particular plane is to minimize the cost while enhancing the energy efficiency. The two Williams FJ44-4 engines are capable of delivering near sonic speed performance while achieving a speed of 0.99 Mach.

Speaking in terms of efficiency; the engines consume twenty percent less fuel than the rival airplanes out in the market. The jet’s engine overhaul is required after five thousand hours of flying which brings down the operational cost of the plane to $2 per nautical mile. The plane is to be 12.3 meters in length and 8.2 meters in width. The S-1 will be able to take off and land on runways as small as 457.2 meters in length. This enables the plane to be able to land almost on every airport on earth.

The price for this machine is between $5-7 million and the company while waiting for the first round of investment, is taking advance orders! Those of you who can afford it, let’s not wait up anymore and invest in your very own private fighter jet!

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