What all can be embedded into a keyboard? A USB? Or thinking farther, speakers? But Microsoft thinks bigger! With of hype of energy conservation, the firm has just launched a patent to introduce solar panel mounted keyboards, Woo!

You can find the details of the patent titled, “Mobile Device Cover with Integrated Solar Panel”. So, Microsoft is leading the energy and power conservation race! None of the competitors has yet thought of incorporating a non-conventional energy source within the device, and this approach has already won the hearts of many. The panel shall be providing energy to the detachable keyboard as well as the device it is connected to. Not to worry anymore about the battery usage as your laptop shall soon take care of it itself.
The technology, also dubbed as Surface-Pro, has another striking feature. The panel can be charged while the user is busy doing his work, which means, the productivity gets doubled. You don’t have to take breaks and check on your batteries. Moreover, any light source can be placed near the panels to charge it. Either way, a win-win situation.

Putting on some light to Microsoft’s Surface family, each new model has served to add to the innovation and elegance of its ancestors. Surface Pro X is well known for its contribution to sustainability. The Surface Go combined the benefits of a laptop and a tablet. And the family has always brought something new to the show with each release. Adding a keyboard to the cover, undoubtedly, fits in the bigger picture of Microsoft and Surface’s mission.
Having a sneak peek into the market, the Surface Go competes the iPad family, being a portable powered device, and though the battery life is many folds less, it doesn’t compromise on the price. Here too, the panel idea shall play a beneficial role.
The proposition has just been patented yet, there is no final news of the release. But the design, it’s anticipated applications and the market value it holds the potential of gaining, all add up to strengthen the case. Inevitably, it would be tough on its rivals.

There are many questions popping up in technical minds. As to how long the solar-powered batteries would be able to make? Or how supportive the architecture be? Would it be worth a great deal of money? Or just another business or publicity stunt!