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NASA Is Making Its Own Star To Launch By 2029

Space Oddity: NASA Is Making Its Own Star To Launch By 2029

NASA is working on an ambitious project to launch a satellite that will function as an artificial star by 2029. This project involves sending a breadbox-sized satellite into orbit, designed to match Earth’s spin and remain stationary in the night sky. Positioned above the United States for its first year, this artificial star will emit lasers to ground-based telescopes, simulating various cosmic events.

The primary goal is to improve the calibration of telescopes, enabling scientists to obtain more precise measurements of astronomical occurrences. Despite its significance, the artificial star will be too faint for the naked eye, being 100 times too dim. However, researchers ensure that a personal telescope should suffice to observe the speck in the sky.

“We’re aiming for unprecedented accuracy in telescope calibration,” a NASA representative said. This project, estimated to cost nearly $20 million, shows NASA’s commitment to advancing space research and technology.

NASA’s goal of launching the artificial star by 2029 may not materialize as planned because of unanticipated difficulties and financial limitations. The artificial star honors the creative efforts to solve the mysteries of space exploration as NASA continues to push the boundaries of space research.

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