Virtual reality isn’t just limited to humans. As VR technology takes a leap into the realm of rodents, the new innovation of MouseGoggles is making its way. The researchers said these miniature headsets, developed at Cornell University, hope to revolutionize studies on Alzheimer’s disease and similar brain disorders. Though they may seem like a quirky thing to do with your pet mouse, they actually have a serious purpose.
Work has been done with mice in the study of the brain for a long time, and they’ve been central to neuroscience research. New research on rodents has opened up some groundbreaking information, including the slowing of aging and the way the brain stores multiple copies of memories. But now, MouseGoggles are poised to take this research higher, by immersing mice in virtual environments, allowing us unprecedented access to study brain activity in naturally occurring settings.
Chris Schaffer, the lead researcher, explained the motivation behind the project: “We wanted new capabilities to look at how brain function changes when blood flow is improved.” It emerged as the solution.” Unlike with traditional methods that require a large screen, the compact VR headsets use smartwatch displays to display immersive imagery on the mice’s eyes. Using this approach reduces distraction, and evokes more natural responses from the animals.

Further innovations to the goggles were undertaken by the team, including pupil tracking cameras. The technology seemed to be effective in triggering a strong reaction to VR stimuli, specifically a scenario that mimicked a predator, according to tests of the mice. The arms of the goggles also provided fluorescent tracking to confirm that they stimulated brain regions that are critical for mapping an environment, such as the visual cortex and hippocampus.
The researchers look ahead to the creation of mobile versions of MouseGoggles for larger rodents, as well as investigation into multi-sensory VR setups. Schaffer said that five-sense virtual reality could open new doors for studying complex behaviors. With the integration of the best cutting edge technology, MouseGoggles aim to deepen our understanding of the brain and speed up breakthroughs in the treatment of neurological conditions.