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Military-Grade AI May Soon Be Used To Spy On Civilians, Report Says

Concerns concerning the potential use of military-grade artificial intelligence (AI) to spy on common civilians have been highlighted by a recent Wired investigation. This development could have significant ramifications for privacy and individual rights.

The article claims that the emergence of numerous businesses in recent years that charge monthly fees for services like “open source intelligence,” “reputation management,” and “insider threat assessment” has exposed the repurposing of surveillance methods that were initially created by defense contractors for intelligence purposes. These businesses use cutting-edge data analytics to spot a variety of actions, such as union organizing, internal leaks, and negative commentary about the business.

This represents a significant departure from the initial purpose of military-grade AI, which was primarily intended for targeting national enemies. Safeguards were supposed to prevent its use against citizens, but the availability of these systems to anyone who can afford them is a cause for concern.

The article highlights how tools once developed to identify terrorist cells are now being used to spot labor organizers, enabling employers to take preemptive and illegal actions to hinder union formation. Furthermore, during the recruitment process, these tools may encourage employers to avoid hiring individuals associated with organizing efforts. However, the effectiveness of these tools remains questionable, with biases and faulty assumptions plaguing aspects such as emotion detection, potentially leading to false accusations and discrimination.

Despite concerns about their efficiency and potential for misuse, these companies thrive in an environment of regulatory neglect and lack of transparency. The lack of accountability exacerbates the problem, allowing the proliferation of surveillance practices without proper oversight.

Wired argues that companies engaged in such surveillance should be compelled to disclose their use of these tools publicly, enabling the enforcement of existing laws. Moreover, urgent action is needed to establish new regulations that protect employees and civilians from the misuse of AI surveillance technologies.

Critics contend that the arguments made by business apologists that these software programs are not anti-union but rather designed for “corporate awareness monitoring” are tenuous and ignore the potential infringement of legally protected rights. Wired stresses the need of holding producers responsible for the improper usage of their goods.

It is critical for politicians to address these concerns right away because the creation and application of AI technologies with military applications continue to advance faster than laws can be implemented. To prevent the erosion of privacy and civil liberties in an increasingly AI-driven society, it will be crucial to strike a balance between national security concerns and the protection of individual rights.

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