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Meet This Robot That Can Walk Forever Without Power

Walking Robot. Credits:

The smart minds of Sano Lab at Nagoya Institute of Technology has developed a robot without a torso that just keeps going, going and… well going.


The mechanical robot is designed to mimic the movement of human legs. Instead of using an external power source, it uses its own weight to move and in terms of physics, it uses the force of gravity for its forward momentum. In layman’s terms, it falls and catches itself repeatedly. Given the right conditions, this robot can actually walk forever. It has also been mentioned in the Guinness Book of World Records after taking 100,000 steps for continuous 13 hours.



The design used conventional knowledge to create a modern robot requiring no silicon chips, no power or anything else to operate. It has valuable future prospects for example use in prosthetic limbs, or walking assistance for those who cannot walk properly.

Here’s the video of the perpetual walking robot:

Passive Walking Robot Propelled By Its Own Weight #DigInfo

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