Mark Cuban Has Asked Elon Musk To Post The X Algorithm Source Code

Mark Cuban, billionaire entrepreneur and “Shark Tank” star, has called on Elon Musk to make the source code of the algorithm that determines how posts are surfaced on X (formerly Twitter) public. Cuban’s request came in response to Musk’s announcement of an upcoming update aimed at promoting content from smaller X accounts. Musk admitted that the current algorithm gives too much exposure to larger accounts, sparking a broader conversation about transparency. Cuban responded by suggesting that Musk should share the algorithm’s source code, allowing users to offer feedback before its implementation. Specifically, Cuban urged Musk to disclose how the algorithm determines “Reputation, Relevancy, and Similarity,” arguing that user input could be valuable. “Unless of course you want to define it by yourself, which is of course your right,” Cuban added, suggesting that transparency could foster more user trust and engagement.

This isn’t the first time Cuban has expressed concern about the influence of social media algorithms. On a recent episode of the Lex Fridman podcast, Cuban highlighted the potential societal impacts, stating that “the person who controls the algorithm controls the world.” He emphasized that understanding how these systems work is crucial in an age where algorithms shape public discourse and opinion.

Musk himself has been a proponent of open-source models, criticizing closed systems like those used by OpenAI. His AI startup, xAI, plans to open-source its AI chatbot Grok, aligning with his broader philosophy of transparency.

Cuban’s concerns also extend to the potential role of AI algorithms in political events, warning that such systems could heavily influence public opinion during the 2024 elections, possibly impacting outcomes more than actual policies or events.

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