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Make Your Android Phone Battery Last Longer With These Tips

Android Battery Optimization

Like many of us, you must also be a proud owner of an Android smartphone. If you’re like us, you must also be beating your head about how its battery gets drained even before the day is over. So we did the hard work for you and came up with some suggestions as to how you can maximize your battery life on the Android phone.

Kill ‘em All

Okay, first stop; kill those apps that are consuming battery but you’re not using them. Usually there’s a bunch load of apps and background services which are running and draining your battery, even though you’re not using them directly. To ascertain which apps are those, make use of the built in feature of Android and got to settings > battery. You’ll be shown a list of apps against the battery consumption. Select one and you’ll have other options at your disposal. We would also suggest going to settings > applications and check out the running apps. If there are apps which you’re not using but don’t want to uninstall, we suggest you disable them until you need them.

You don’t want it to Sparkle

You really didn’t need to read a list to know this but a bright display would drain more battery. So if you have your brightness set to maximum, we would suggest bringing it down a notch to save up battery. One can always vary the brightness depending upon what the device is being used for. To change the brightness settings, go to settings > display > brightness. Just be sure not to decrease it to a level where you have difficulty using the device. Other than brightness, there are many other options which you can play around such as the wallpaper option. If you’re using a live wallpaper, drop it folks. They literally drain your device’s battery. Another important feature to keep a check on is how long it takes before the device goes to sleep; we’d suggest keeping it between 15-30 seconds.

Say bye to Wi-Fi, if you can

Here’s the bread and butter of our guide; disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you’re not using them. They eat your battery’s life and unless you are using them, we strongly suggest that you turn them off. Advanced settings will allow you to choose if you want to keep Wi-Fi on when the device is on sleep or not and if you wish to turn off Wi-Fi after a designated time interval.

Location based Services

This is a tool for many apps that they employ to pinpoint your location. However, when you’re not using any such app, we strongly recommend that you turn your location services off. This will boost up your battery life. Oh and don’t worry, when your favorite app needs these services, it will ask you to turn it on.

Third Party Apps

Now that we are done with the manual tweaking that can be performed to save your battery, let’s move on to the apps which allow you to save power without doing much manually. One can find a number of such apps on Google Play. However, we suggest you look into the rating and reviews before downloading any such app. A few that we found good include; Battery Doctor and Battery Widget Reborn.

These apps essentially carry out the same processes that we mentioned earlier and a few other background checks to keep your battery optimized. However, they do require one time configuration.


It is important to use your device’s battery smartly and efficiently in order to survive a day without charging it again and again. So, take a look into your habits and make adjustments in your device’s settings to achieve the maximum battery time. Stay tuned to Wonderful Engineering!

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