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Learn How To Drive Like A Pro With These 10 Driving Tricks

AMG Driving Academy 2008

AMG Driving Academy 2008

Anyone can do the basic driving, however, if you are looking to drive like a pro you need not look any further. Check out the following 10 videos that will help you drive like a boss. Let us know what you think of them in the comments section below.

10. Doing handbrake turns

How To HandBrake Turn

9. Extreme parking

8. Trail braking

Braking -- AMG Driving Academy Performance Series Episode 2 -- Threshold and Trail

7. Doing the Scandinavian Flick

WRC - Colin McRae - Scandinavian Flick & Handbrake Lessons

6. Shifting efficiently in manual mode with an automatic

5. Hypermiling

4. Left-foot braking

3. Properly using all-wheel drive

2. Heel and toe shifting

1. Driving on the limit

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