Every time you walk into an interview; you expect it to be mundane. Starting with an introduction of yourself then some questions explicit to your background, the job expectations and that is it. Annoying right?
How does an interviewer assess you? What are their criteria and what do they expect of you? Does every interviewer even have the ability to evaluate the interviewees or are they just fulfilling the requirement of the hiring process?

Brendan Browne, the head of LinkedIn recruiting since 2010, has his self-made genius and exciting way of conducting interviews. For every kind of position, he hands the candidate an erasable board marker and asks him, “What are you most passionate about? Using the whiteboard, explain to me the process of how it works.”

This interview process stimulates ambiguity and requires the candidate to be spontaneous. Browne believes “An interview assessment is hard and hyper-flawed,” and expects his ideal candidate to dream big, know how to have fun, and know how to get things done. Through the process, he discovers the real person and how would it feel like when they are working together in the middle of a very hard problem.

In an interview with Business Insider, Browne said he learns four things from his interview process:
1. What do the candidates care about most deeply?
2. How well can they explain themselves?
3. How do they think about a process?
4. How do they deal with ambiguity?
Truly, these are the most fundamental questions any recruiter should be able to answer about a candidate. Browne’s process is no doubt a very genius and fair one. If you land an interview with LinkedIn, be prepared for this question.
What are your views regarding Browne’s approach? Comment below!