Jeff Bezos Says Earth Could Soon Become Just A Tourist Attraction For Space Colonizers

According to Jeff Bezos, the Earth will be resembling a protected national park in the future and it might also become a most-talked-about cosmic tourist attraction.

He spoke at the 2021 Ignatius Forum last week about the progress made in space travel and its future potential. He states that there will be a time when people won’t even be born on the planet anymore. Space colonizers will be visiting the earth as a tourist destination, according to RealClearPolitics

“Over centuries, most or many of the people will be born in space,” Bezos said at the forum. “It will be their first home. They will be born in these colonies, they will live in these colonies. They may visit Earth the way you would visit Yellowstone National Park.”

Bezos stated that earth is “the most precious planet” and we are the ones who are responsible for “preserving it and conserving it.”

Jeff Bezos

“This Earth can support 10 billion people to a certain degree,” he said, later adding, “The solar system can support a trillion people, and we can continue to grow our civilization and grow our energy intensity.”

According to him, the earth has a lot of stress on it and if mars are colonized properly, it can help conserve the planet and save it from further degradation. There will be a tremendous amount of work involved but it could be considered as “doubling of Earth.”

“Then you’re going from 10 billion to 20 billion people,” he added. 

He further said that in the future, babies will be born in space, floating. There will be new rivers and forests in those colonies to relish in.

However, it is a thought that Bezos should consider settling his frivolous lawsuits before he leaves earth for good.

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