IKEA is reaching for the stars as it has collaborated with NASA to come up with their coolest furniture ideas yet. The Swedish furniture has also become part of the mission to make Mars habitable, and to start off, their team spent a few days at the MDRS Habitat in Utah.

NASA astronauts use the MDRS Habitat to prepare for the Mars-like desert conditions and tackle any possible challenges that might rise. So IKEA went in for a visit to assess the conditions and problems like cramped spaces, toxic air, etc. and find an interior solution for the astronauts.
The team of IKEA designers was taken into the space-esque residence for a mini-training session, and they were left in the confined space for three days with alkali desert conditions to get the feel of the things. The design team described the experience as camping – but better.
Now IKEA looks to figure out how to create an interior and conditions that make a living in cramped space and tainted air and water more bearable.

Here’s what IKEA Creative Leader, Michael Nikolic, had to say about the project,
“I think that the essence of this collection will be about appreciating what we have on Earth: human beings, plants clean water and air. But also diversity and a sense of belonging – things that we take for granted on a daily basis. After this journey, it’ll probably feel pretty awesome to come home to my own bed.”