Due to the COVID pandemic going on for a whole year, commuting to work or any public area is very dangerous not only for the individual but for the majority as well. Places like offices where a large number of people gather regularly are too risky to be operated in this situation. So the only viable option for people is to go online and do their work from home. The wonders of the internet.
According to a survey from Harvard Business School Online, most Americans enjoy working remotely from home. Many say that they would prefer remote work even after the pandemic was over. Over 1,500 people noted that they performed better and even grew in their professions by working from home. Maybe it is the familiar and comforting environment that boosted productivity.
The business school’s executive director commented by saying that “I think it’s a combination of factors, like a Jekyll and Hyde, so to speak” and “We love working remotely in some ways; it gives us more time to focus, spend time with our families, and no long commutes back and forth to work”.

According to the survey, almost 81% of the people said that they do not want to go back to the office while some said that they would welcome a hybrid solution. Of the people who were employees, Mullane said 27% of them wanted to work remotely full-time, and another 61% would like to work two or three days a week from home. He speculated about how companies would adapt to the situation. He commented that “It’s hard to know how it plays out, So while everyone is jazzed about remote work, there will be some challenges to work through.”
Employers are going to have to come up with ways to attract people back to the office once the pandemic dies down. Mullane concluded by saying that “It begs the question about how employers are going to make their employees feel comfortable in office settings. I’m sure there are going to be plenty of discussions with employers asking, ‘How do I bring them back safely?'”.
Comment your thoughts about this survey. Would you rather work from home or go back to the office? after the situation settles down of course.