Brace yourselves, Indians! Exciting times are ahead for Indian developers as Google has just announced their plans for increasing the hiring of Indian engineers and developers to beef up their brand presence in the area. CEO, Sundar Pichai explained that the company is now looking to create a new Google campus in the city of Hyderabad, which will at least double their head count.
The technology giant is going to push their Android Skills Program in over 2,000 Indian universities. And the direct result will be a boost in Indian economy by adding 4 million Android Developer jobs by 2018.

The Android Skills Program comes with a certification test that attempts to measure a user’s skill level in Android development through standardized assessments. A certification in this program would not only be the pre-requisite for a job offer from Google in the region, but the certificate could also be an independent verification of skill.
This announcement can also be a direct response to the news of Apple starting their development program in India with a IOS app program in Bangalore. The current hiring strategy is focused on new graduates from Indian universities as Google looks to build a massive community of Android developers residing in India.
Naturally, Government of India praised the advancement program to create jobs, as reported by India Today. Already, Google stands as the 4th highest recruiter of Indians regarding numbers, with Apple coming at number 2.
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