The world watches anxiously as the POTUS Donald Trump begins his journey to “Make America Great Again.” Everyone is waiting on how Trump will go about his rather ambitious election campaign promises, and four men have created a tool that will make your “Trump Tracking” a lot easier.
The tool is called “Track Trump,” and is the brainchild of Y Combinator President Sam Altman and his team. The idea is to keep people updated on the President’s progress in achievement, or the lack of it, regarding the major promises for his first 100 days in office.
The idea came to Altman after looking at Trump’s Contract with the American Voter, so he started working on the tool to help people understand the man’s policy changes in real-time. His team includes Alec Baum, a former Hillary for America organizer, and Peter Federman, a University of Kansas doctoral student, and Greg Koberger of to develop this unique tool.
New project: Dashboard and daily update to see how Trump does against his stated goals in first 100 days.
— Sam Altman (@sama) January 20, 2017
The tool has grouped Trump’s 44 promises, which include constructing the Mexican wall on American border to ending the common core curriculum and protecting USA’s infrastructure from cyber attack. The promises are organized in handy categories like Immigration, Trade, Energy and Climate, Federal Government, Economic Policy, Education, Healthcare and Safety categories, making navigation as simple as possible.
Federman talked about his tool to Mashable
“Our site will update each day with what has actually been signed and accomplished so Track Trump’s audience will always know what’s happening in Washington.”
In a press release, the primary goals of Track Trump were defined as,
“isolating actual policy changes from the “rhetoric and political theater” that tends to cloud our feeds now that politics and social media have become so intertwined.”

Federman added,
“We aren’t intending to break news, but instead to provide a window into real policy actions,” Federman explained. “As much as possible, we provide links to the official document or video of the hearing we are referring to. But the site is about more than just politics. “This has relevance [to me] as an academic who studies digital dashboards and how governments and citizens use them to communicate,” Federman explained. “For me, this is a great way to put theory into practice…”
When Trump takes an appropriate action, each of the promise’s bullet point changes colors to signify the progress.
- Gray (default) = no action
- Yellow = some progress
- Green = policy implemented
- Red = policy failed to be implemented or has been retracted
The app makers may have some busy days on their hands as well. Since Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20, the tracker has updated the promises on the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He has also gone ahead with Keystone Pipeline; a proposal which mentions that for every new federal regulation, two other regulations must be dropped. It also includes stopping the hiring of all federal employees except for the military, public safety, and public health.
You can also follow Track Trump on Twitter for daily roundups.
So it may be a good idea to check the app every morning, just to make sure whether you should be going to work or rather be packing your bags in case of an immigration policy change!
What are your thoughts on the new app? Comment below!