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Footage Of The China Eastern Airlines 737-800 Nosediving To The Ground Has Confounded Experts

Crash Experts Are Stunned By China Jet's Nosedive From 29,000 Feet

Crash experts have been puzzled by the plane accident in China on Monday, which is reported to have killed all 132 people on board. In addition, they are baffled as to how the airliner rapidly nosedived to the ground.

Eastern Airlines’ Boeing 737-800 flew from Kunming to Guangzhou International Airport in southern China. The plane was flying at 29,000 feet, approximately 100 miles from its destination when it rapidly fell into a steep dip and crashed, resulting in China’s worst aviation catastrophe in a decade.

Rapid Drop

Even while the search for survivors continues, CCTV, the state-run news agency, has reported that no survivors have been found at the accident scene. Searchers are still looking for the flight’s black box, which might reveal further information about what happened.

On the other hand, analysts have already observed the unusual nature of the plane’s most recent public flight data. The jet was approaching the point in its flight where pilots usually prepare to land, yet it fell from 29,000 feet in less than two minutes.

According to John Cox, an aviation safety expert and former pilot, it was “difficult to get the aeroplane to do this.”

China Eastern Airlines Boeing 737 tragically nosedives into mountain at 400mph

The Boeing 737-800 has a good safety track record and has been in service since the 1990s as part of the Next Generation program. But unfortunately, it happened before the 737 Max was grounded worldwide after two horrific events in Indonesia and Ethiopia.

Investigators are now attempting to determine what distinguishes this tragedy from others. According to sources, investigators will look at the meteorological conditions the plane encountered, any distress calls made by the pilots throughout the flight, and any technical failures.

Profiles of crew members will be inspected as well. China’s president, Xi Jinping, has ordered a thorough investigation into the tragic incident.

Jeff Guzzetti, the former chairman of the Federal Aviation Administration’s accident investigation division, described the incident as “very odd.”

Experts note that while there have been incidents in which planes have plummeted from great heights, this crash stands apart for several reasons. However, others are wary about jumping to conclusions too quickly.

Jean-Paul Troadec, the former head of the French Bureau of Enquiry and Analysis for Civil Aviation Safety, said the data was “very unusual” and that it was “far too early” to make any conclusions.

“There’s really only one thing that can get the aircraft in that vertical of a descent and keep it there, and that is the elevator or the stabiliser trim,” Mr Browne explained.

“If you can find where the nut on the jackscrew was located, you can get an idea of what the trim state of the aircraft was on impact.”

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