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Flight Attendant Explains The Important Reason Your Phone Should Be On Airplane Mode

During a candid discussion on LADbible’s Honesty Box segment, Mandy Smith, a seasoned flight attendant with over ten years of experience, shared enlightening perspectives on the necessity of enabling airplane mode on electronic devices while airborne. She delved into the intricacies of this standard procedure, highlighting its fundamental significance in upholding the safety and smooth operation of air travel.

The paramount reason behind enforcing airplane mode lies in averting signal interference with radio beacons, indispensable navigation aids crucial during pivotal flight phases like takeoff and landing. These radio beacons emit signals guiding aircraft in determining their position relative to the ground, thereby facilitating safe passage through airspace. Any external radio signals, be it from mobile phones or electronic gadgets like Furbies, harbor the potential to disrupt these critical communications, thereby posing a significant safety hazard.

Mandy’s explanation emphasizes the utmost importance of adhering to airline regulations, regardless of how seemingly insignificant they may seem. These rules are carefully designed to protect the welfare of both passengers and crew. Despite the widespread use of smartphones in today’s society, passengers should prioritize following safety protocols to guarantee smooth and trouble-free flights.

Moreover, Mandy’s discourse spanned a gamut of topics pertaining to her profession. From sharing amusing anecdotes about passengers attempting to join the “mile-high club” to dispensing practical tips on securing a complimentary upgrade, her insights offer a captivating glimpse into the realm of cabin crew operations.

“Is airplane mode necessary? Right,” Mandy says when reading one of the cards in the box of questions she’s presented with.

“I’m guessing you’re meaning on your iPads, and laptops, and mobile phones?

“If you’re aware that the airplane mode needs to be on, please do so, because this is to prevent us losing the signal from a beacon.”

Mandy says: “So, radio beacons. Say a radio beacon would be there, and you’re coming into land or taking off, and that would signify as to where the ground is and the ground level.

“The aircraft’s following that beacon and it would come in.

“So, any other radio signals, such as mobile phones, and even Furbies – they used to ban Furbies back in the day – are not allowed, because they could interfere with that signal.”

Furthermore, Mandy’s observations align with recent advancements in aviation technology. The European Union’s recent ruling permitting airlines to furnish 5G services onboard heralds a potential paradigm shift in inflight connectivity. However, preemptive measures are being adopted to mitigate probable interference issues, such as the installation of ‘pico-cells’ to segregate the aircraft’s communication systems from ground-based infrastructure.

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