Fake Doctor Performs Delicate Procedures for 20 Years Before Finally Getting Arrested

A 36-year-old Thai man, Kittikorn Songsri, was recently arrested for performing penis enlargement procedures without any medical license or formal training. Songsri, hailing from Samut Sakhon in Central Thailand, had been conducting these procedures for the past 20 years despite only having completed Grade 9 education. He reportedly learned the delicate art of implants at the young age of 14 and continued to offer these services illegally for decades.

His arrest followed a sting operation that involved an undercover agent posing as a client seeking his services. Songsri admitted to police that he had been advertising his procedures via social media and typically performed two to three operations per month. His fee ranged from 5,000 baht ($150) to 20,000 baht ($600), depending on the complexity of the procedure.

The unlicensed practice came to light after a disgruntled patient, who had suffered a severe infection due to a botched silicone implant, reported Songsri to authorities. The patient’s complications were so severe that they led to erectile dysfunction, even after receiving medical treatment. Following the complaint, police, in coordination with the Department of Health Service Support, set up a covert operation that culminated in Songsri’s arrest at the townhouse where he operated.

Songsri acknowledged under interrogation that he had not received any official medical training and that, as a teenager, he had learned how to perform the treatment on his own. He is currently being prosecuted for operating an unlicensed medical facility and rendering medical services without a license. He may be subject to legal action from the patient who sustained long-term harm as a result of his malpractice, in addition to legal repercussions for his illegal practice.

This case brings to light the startling possibility that a self-taught “doctor” may carry out such dangerous procedures for two decades without anyone noticing.

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