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Ever Wondered How Wireless Signals Look Like? Mystery Solved

Visualize wireless signals

We have studied the radio waves and their different uses in data transfer since our high school days, but it is always difficult to imagine something that has no visible appearance. Also, in order to understand the properties of these signals and functions, demonstrating this in front of students might result in increased interest in the subject altogether. This is what was in the mind of “Architecture of Radio” guys who wanted to give beautiful visualization to the whole project.

Visualize wireless signals2

We use different kind of wireless signals like WI-Fi, cellular networks, FM/AM radio, National TV signals and GPS tracking. While using a phone, a many of these signals are simultaneously being used by the gadget so it is logical that we use the smartphone or a tablet to locate and map these signal behaviors. The data visualization summit Architecture of Radio will be held in Germany next monthThe app we are discussing right now was made by a Dutch developer Richard Vujgen who calls it a tool to observe the infosphere. Infosphere is different from all other spheres like biosphere as it includes the radio waves and all the seamless information that is passing through it all the time.

He had been fascinated with these wireless data forms from the start. He believes that the invisible system of data cables and radio signals surrounding us is beautiful but largely unmapped by us right now. Our digital lives depend on this system and we need to have the desire to see the system just like we have the desire to see everything else.

Visualize wireless signals3

One may think that his new app shows cock-and-bull signals but it is actually not true. It shows the signals from GPS data, Wi-Fi and cellular phones on the screen with some accuracy. The spectacle we see is a location based visualization and it shows us different views of different locations. Cool, no?

Till now the service is constrained by the use of GPS location based models and use of wired infrastructure, but I think he can improve and make a system that is free from the constrained area and then made available for the public.

Here is the complete video of this beautiful attempt. See for yourself!

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