Does the possibility of taking long romantic walks in the moonlight with a girl seem unlikely to you? Well, no problem as Japan has just come up with a high-tech device that simulates holding a girl’s hand.
For all the single men out there who lack an actual girlfriend in their lives, the research team at Gifu University has got you covered as they have just come up with a device known as ‘My Girlfriend in Walk, ‘ which will recreate the experience of holding a girls hand. A much-needed one!
Walking with a girlfriend or a friend of the opposite sex holding hands can be very relaxing and satisfying, but usually, we don’t have someone to do it with. Fortunately, technology has made it possible for us to do it in the absence of an actual partner. The new device could be the last resort for a lot who sadly got rejected.
Along with a companion mobile app, the device ‘My Girlfriend in Walk’ has many features such as a microcomputer, pressure sensor, motor, film heater, and soft, skin-like material to make the experience incredibly realistic.
The robotic hand gives you a satisfactory feeling of touching another person’s skin as the engineers at Gifu University covered the device with a soft gel material that replicates an actual hand. The team at Gifu went all in to provide you with an extremely unique and accurate hand-holding experience.

A film heater and a cloth are fitted in the artificial hand to reproduce the hand’s warmth. This artificial hand also gives you the option of making a particular person’s scent by adding various fragrances.
You can always work a bit and get to know what perfume your crush or a person with you are in an imaginary relationship wears the most.
Moreover, ‘My Girlfriend in Walk’ is fully equipped and amazingly can apply the same strength in return when you apply a certain force in holding it tight. This is possible because of the built-in pressure sensor in the artificial hand.
Furthermore, the hand’s working mechanism also enables it to reproduce a person’s sensation as if he is falling behind or walking too fast. The motorized rail in the wearer’s forearm helps it in achieving this remarkable feat. I am sure having it on while going to sleep would comfort a lonely person, making it ‘Not Just the Girlfriend in Walk.’
Another interesting feature that this device has to offer is a companion smartphone app. This app has many built-in features; it can detect at which speed the person wearing the device is moving through a handheld accelerator.
The app via mobile speaker outputs sounds like footsteps and breathing to make the experience more real! A lot appreciates such good use of technology; let’s hope the future has more to offer for those thriving alone…