DroneShield Gun Can Shoot Down Drones From 1.2 Miles Away
Umer Sohail
Getting tired of those pesky drones violating your personal spaces, and threatening your privacy with their stealth, ease of use and ubiquity? Today we are going to cover a device that can help you deal with the problem not with legal notices and threats, but the old school shoot it down style.
The device is called DroneGun, built by a company DroneShield. It is a jammer that blasts electromagnetic signals towards the intrusive drone and blocks its signals including GPS, video feedback and GLONASS sensor, rendering it useless and cutting off communication between the pilot and the device.
Pic Credits: DroneShield
Best of all, unlike the other drone guns, you don’t need to be very close to the drone. Instead, the company claims that it can be used over the distance of 1.2 miles (2 km) away, meaning it also has the potential to be used for military and high security purposes.
The drone gun doesn’t crash the drone, but instead, it forces the flying machine to redirect back to from where it took off, or forces it to land instead of crashing down and destroying the evidence. This can help the users stop a potential drone threat and possibly track down the perpetrator behind the drone.
Although the weighs 13 pounds, it still can be operated by a single person. And currently, the company is looking to get their device certified by the FCC in the US.
Along with the DroneGun, abroad-range omnidirectional drone detector can also be bought, which can help in detecting the drone in long ranges and dense areas.
The website of the company says.
“DroneShield responds to the growing use of consumer drones for unethical purposes, and the resulting need for effective countermeasures to drone intrusions. We developed our products with the belief that the first step to protection from drones is detecting them. With DroneShield, we aim to help public and private sector customers take proactive measures against airborne threats to safety, security, and privacy. ”
Pic Credits: DroneShield
What are your thoughts on this anti-drone technology? Comment below!