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Dacia Will Sell You A New Car Without A Center Screen

The Romanian automaker Dacia is taking a risk in the market by introducing new cars without a center console. This choice was made at a time when worries about cars’ excessive reliance on screens are mounting. When drivers take their eyes off the road to browse menus, there may be safety risks.
This worry has recently been brought to light by the European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP), which declared that as of 2026, vehicles lacking physical controls for specific operations will have a poorer safety rating. The frequency of automobiles without center screens has come under scrutiny in light of this decision.

Although some vehicles on the market have non-touch screens encircled by buttons, Dacia distinguishes itself by providing models with no central display, such as the Sandero, Logan, Jogger, and Duster—that is, if you choose the base model. This method differs from the prevalent practice in many contemporary cars, where the dashboard is dominated by sizable touchscreens.
Dacia is not the only one taking this tack. Along with some commercial cars, some exotic car manufacturers like Ferrari and Bugatti also offer models without center screens. Volkswagen had to adjust to the scarcity of microchips by offering models like the Fox and Nivus without a central display for sale in Brazil.

Even though a car without a screen might seem archaic in 2024, they offer a more practical solution with tactile knobs and buttons that are simpler to operate while driving. In an increasingly digital age, some manufacturers, like Hyundai, are recognizing the value of tactile interfaces and are striking a compromise by producing models with both displays and physical buttons.
To sum up, Dacia’s choice to sell vehicles without center screens is a daring one that questions the established quo in the auto sector. It draws attention to the current discussion about physical versus digital interfaces in automobiles and gives customers an option that puts usefulness and safety first.

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